Why choose Sully Christian?

We seek to grow and mature children into perceptive and loving Christians who are equipped to be transforming influences in today's world. Our small class sizes create a unique family-like atmosphere and encourage students to engage in classroom learning. Students often pray for one another, have the privilege of walking alongside others' joys and burdens, and develop long-lasting mentor relationships with teachers and older students.

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Who We Are

  • Student-Teacher Ratio
  • Average Class Size
  • Reading Proficiency
  • Math Proficiency
  • Gospel-driven, hands-on education each year
    1,113 hours
  • Our Student Body is comprised of families from
    7 churches

Faith & Serve

Faith & Serve

Christmas is a great opportunity to make a difference in our communities. The students, during December, have been bringing in food donations as part of a Foodbank Reverse Advent Calendar. A reverse Advent calendar is the opposite of an Advent calendar, instead of receiving, you donate something. Each day a specific non-perishable food item is requested, and these donations are collected every day up to Christmas Break. We have split our food donations between the East Jasper County Christian Food Pantry and The Pella Food Shelf. "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35 NIV

Faith & Serve

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Leaving a Lasting Impact

  • "Sully Christian is a place of great care, care for the needs of each student and care for the world that God has made. The teachers and school community nurtured my faith and helped me sink my roots deeply into Jesus Christ. I’m grateful for the solid foundation I received at Sully Christian."

    -Justin Van Zee

  • "My time at Sully Christian remains one of the strongest, most positive memories of my lifetime. The strong sense of community, teachers who knew me as a person, learning the stories of the Bible at very deep levels, worshipful Christmas program celebrations, and playing on the best school playground ever combined to help make me who I am. That education at Sully Christian, along with my parents' and church's nurture, helped lay a solid foundation that has helped me navigate through the blessings and challenges of life. I would not trade this heritage for anything."

    -Dan Van Kooten

  • "We are thankful for the impact that Sully Christian School had on our children’s lives that we see evidenced in their adult lives today. We viewed SCS as an extension of what we were teaching our children in our home. The teachers lived their faith in the way they cared and taught their students. The small class size really created a culture of close community and many of our favorite memories come from this family feel. The prayer partners our kids had developed relationships that were so sweet and impactful. We see our children now as college graduates and college students living out their faith and in their own unique way, shining the light of Christ where they are."

    -Lyn Howerzyl

  • "SCS was essential in laying the groundwork for me to flourish throughout my academic, personal, and spiritual life. It was here that I created lifelong friends with whom I am still in contact. It was here that I was setup for academic success from high school through completing a master's program. And most importantly, SCS gave me the tools and provided the practical realities for how a Christ-centered life and worldview can truly ground and make a difference in my life and in the world around me."

    -Bryan Van Soelen

  • "I believe my education at Sully Christian School set a firm foundation for me to grow in both education and faith. From a young age, I knew there were adults who cared about me, not only as a student, but as a person. I had strong examples of what it looked like to be a strong, Christian woman both at home and at school. Additionally, the early Christian education I received ignited in me a lifelong desire to learn more about God, His Word, and what He wants for my life. As an adult, I work in a full time ministry role with individuals who are struggling in poverty. I believe the foundation set for me at Sully Christian School started me on a path of loving God and serving others."

    -Paige Price

At a Glance

At a Glance