Sully Christian School is located in Sully, Iowa. The school is currently enrolling Kindergarten through 8th Grade, with limited spots for our Progressive Kindergarten & Kindergarten classes.

Discovering Kindergarten

We understand planning for your child’s academic future can be an intimidating decision and no two children are the same. For this reason, we offer three unique kindergarten experiences to fit your family’s needs and child’s development.

  • Progressive Kindergarten – students begin the school year attending three days a week and gradually add in days. Starting the second semester, progressive students are attending kindergarten full-time, five days a week. We understand school is a significant change for some students and this schedule allows students to ease into the academic experience gradually.
  • Full-Time Kindergarten – is your traditional kindergarten option for those families who are ready for full-time schedule.

The Elementary Experience

In our elementary classrooms, students are empowered to be active, engaged learners. Teachers provide many different learning opportunities and give students the tools to explore God’s creation in a meaningful, relevant way.

Our elementary grades offer a combined classroom experience with:

  • Core Subjects include science, math, language arts, spelling, grammar, reading, history, and Bible.
  • Enrichment classes include computer, music, art, S.T.E.M, and P.E.

Life in Middle School

In middle school, our fifth through eighth-grade students are encouraged to explore their interests and abilities, dive into the community, and build a foundation for future success all in an environment that nurtures their spiritual formation as well as academic and social-emotional growth.

  • Challenging, high school preparatory curriculum includes a core of English, history, math, science, reading, social studies, and Bible
  • Enrichment classes include computer, music, art, S.T.E.M, P.E., and optional band.

Fine Arts Program

  • Music
    • God created us as creative beings with the ability to interpret, create, and express sound unlike any other of His magnificent creations. Students learn song selections to perform at different community events, chapels, or school-wide programs.
  • Art
    • The study of art at Sully Christian School allows the students to experience the elements of art by studying the beautiful artistic works of God, the Creator, and to have a greater understanding of how God communicates His truth and love for mankind in His creations. Students are encouraged to use their unique talents to be creative in both realistic and non-realistic art.
  • Home-School Fine Arts Program
    • Our fine arts classes are open for home-school students to enroll. This includes participation in our fall and spring programs, as well as district V competition, fine arts field trips, and more.


Our seventh and eighth-grade students are invited to participate in any extra-curricular athletic programs at Pella Christian Grade School or Lynnville-Sully CSD.